
RidgeTrekker.com and its author, from here referred to as RidgeTrekker.com, do not guarantee the accuracy of any content on this website, though we try our best to make sure content is correct at the time of its posting. All content is subject to change without notice.

Most content on RidgeTrekker.com is based on opinions formed from our own unique experiences. We do not consider ourselves to be professionals, so no advice from this website should be taken as professional advice. Any advice given is to be considered nothing more than a suggestion.

General Advice

Any advice from RidgeTrekker.com that is exercised is done at your own risk. We will not be held liable for use or misuse of any practices detailed on our site that cause damages, injuries, or death to you, your friends and/or relatives, or any damages to hiking, camping, backpacking gear, and/or any other belongings.

Medical Matters

Advice related to medicine, first-aid, or other medical matters is not to be taken as professional advice. For professional medical advice, please seek a medical professional. If you follow any advice from RidgeTrekker.com related to medical matters, you do so at your own risk and we will not be held responsible for any harm or damages.

Trips & Destinations

RidgeTrekker.com is not liable for any advice or recommendations regarding trips, hikes, or other outdoor activities in any location we detail that leads to damages, injuries, or death to you, your friends and/or relatives, or any damages to hiking, camping, backpacking gear, and/or any other belongings.

Again, any advice given on RidgeTrekker.com that you choose to use, you do so at your own risk and RidgeTrekker.com and its author will not be held liable for any negative consequences. Please be careful and use extreme caution during your outdoor adventures.